This is all a little weird for me...
I didn't think I would start a blog for a number of reasons. One of which was that I had already done this before six or seven years ago in High School. I was blogging before blog was even a word. But here I am, after all this time, at it again.
It leaves me with a lot of questions. How much do I make this a self-indulgence thing? How much do I reveal about myself. Besides the obvious answers, I guess it's a boundary I'll be learning about.
So a little bit about myself. I love music. I'm pursuing a degree in music, and it permeates just about every part of my life. Some might consider it the professional invading the personal, but I'm loving every minute of it. I really can't see myself doing anything else. People ask me what I specialize in, my reply is always, "Listen, I've finally just narrowed it down to music. I have no idea yet." It's kind of a lie. Technically my emphasis for my degree is in Sound Recording. I still have many interests though and have realized that what you do for work is not always closely related to what you majored in. I'm also a classical singer, and a free-lance composer. I'll post some of my music later on.
Why this title? I dunno. It sounded good. It was a sign I saw on the mirror in a Reno gas station bathroom. When I saw it, I knew I had to capture it on my phone's camera. When I was talking to a friend about starting a blog and what I should use for a title, she suggested the sign I saw in Reno. I guess it works. It's the kinda thing that gets my attention, and makes me laugh.
Well, I think this is a good start. More later. Cheers.