Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Standing on the edge . . .

Currently, I'm on the brink of something that's potentially very cool. I'm in the middle of writing two new pieces. Each of them is for a different type of ensemble and each of them has their own sound, color and tonal language. It's very exciting to go back and forth between the two and shift gears so dramatically. It's like speaking in Japanese and then suddenly in Swahili. Both pieces have multiple movements and

The main challenge right now is that one of the pieces is being written by stream of consciousness. I'm basically writing it as it comes; as it falls out of my head. I've got a general idea of the form, but the actual music is just coming in consecutive order. The second piece on the other hand is not so easy. I've already got the last movement composed in my head, and the second to last as not to far behind, but they're room for flexibility. The first and second movement are still very vague in my head. The transition between these movements are meant to be smooth and seamless. I'm worried that if I start dictating the last movements it might not match up with the first movements. I'm also worried that if I start writing the first two with this vague idea, it wont turn out as good as I'd hoped. I'm sure this makes no sense, but this is my dilemma. Exciting!

Anyway, should be fun to see what happens. I'll keep you posted. I noticed that I'm just writing mostly about my composing and not much about audio or my singing. Well, that'll come later I suppose.

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